Personnages dans GTA London (1969 et 1961)

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Voici la liste des personnages dans Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 et Grand Theft Auto: London 1961, classés dans l'ordre chronologique de leur apparition dans le jeu.

Protagonistes[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Voir l'article détaillé : Protagonistes dans GTA London (1969 et 1961).

Personnages principaux[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Personnages secondaires[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Nom Association
Keith Harold Cartwright
Chalkie Harold Cartwright
Len Harold Cartwright
Honest Ray Harold Cartwright
Noles Brothers Aucun
Beryl Harold Cartwright
Doctor Zel Aucun
Sidney Aucun
Midnight Aucun
Fingers Jack Parkinson
Lenny Jack Parkinson
Terry Jack Parkinson
Lord Lucan Aucun
Arthur Jack Parkinson
Filthy Colin Aucun
Endeavour Chambers Aucun
Hans Nemesis Aucun
Rough Tony Aucun
Terry Dorkins Albert et Archie Crisp
Lenny Smith Aucun
Reg Smith Aucun
Gerald Lenny Smith
Cyprus Phil Harold Cartwright
La série Grand Theft Auto
Jeux GTA GTA 1 | London 1969 | London 1961 | GTA 2 | GTA III | Vice City | Advance | San Andreas | Liberty City Stories | Vice City Stories | GTA IV | The Lost and Damned | Chinatown Wars | The Ballad of Gay Tony | Episodes From Liberty City | GTA V | GTA Online | GTA VI
Lieux Liberty City | Alderney | Vice City | San Andreas (Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas) | Londres | Anywhere City
Héros Claude Speed | Claude (GTA III) | Tommy Vercetti | Mike | Carl Johnson | Toni Cipriani | Victor Vance | Niko Bellic | Johnny Klebitz | Huang Lee | Luis Fernando Lopez | Michael De Santa, Franklin Clinton et Trevor Philips | Protagoniste de GTA Online
Missions GTA 1 | GTA 2 | GTA III | Vice City | Advance | San Andreas | Liberty City Stories | Vice City Stories | GTA IV | The Lost and Damned | Chinatown Wars | The Ballad of Gay Tony | GTA V | GTA Online
Personnages GTA 1 | London | GTA 2 | GTA III | Vice City | Advance | San Andreas | Liberty City Stories | Vice City Stories | GTA IV | The Lost and Damned | Chinatown Wars | The Ballad of Gay Tony | GTA V | GTA Online | Personnages réels
Véhicules GTA 1 | London | GTA 2 | GTA III | Vice City | Advance | San Andreas | Liberty City Stories | Vice City Stories | GTA IV | The Lost and Damned | Chinatown Wars | The Ballad of Gay Tony | GTA V et GTA Online | Marques automobiles
Armes GTA 1 | GTA 2 | London | GTA III | Vice City | Advance | San Andreas | Liberty City Stories | Vice City Stories | GTA IV | The Lost and Damned | Chinatown Wars | The Ballad of Gay Tony | GTA V
Stations de radio GTA 1 | London | GTA 2 | GTA III | Vice City | San Andreas | Liberty City Stories | Vice City Stories | GTA IV | Chinatown Wars | Episodes From Liberty City | GTA V et GTA Online
Codes GTA 1 | GTA 2 | GTA III | Vice City | Advance | San Andreas | Liberty City Stories | Vice City Stories | GTA IV | Chinatown Wars | GTA V
Connexes Modifications | Chronologie | Collections | Artworks | Sauts | Rodéos/Kill Frenzies | Multijoueur (MTA, VC-MJ, SA-MJ) | GTA-like | Easter Eggs | Indice de recherche | Police | Gangs | Planques | Propriétés | Traductions